What We Believe

Articles of Faith:

• We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God.

• We believe in the Oneness of God and the three manifestations of the one God, which are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

• We believe the name by which God is known is Lord Jesus Christ.

• We believe in the virgin birth, death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.

• We believe in the baptism in water in the name of Jesus according to Acts 2:38, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4. This constitutes the new birth spoken of by the Lord Jesus Christ in John 3:5.

• We believe in living a holy, consecrated, and sanctified life.

​• We believe in the translation of the saints, commonly known as the rapture (I Thess. 4:13-17).

Embracing our Calling

Who We Are:

We are an Oneness Apostolic movement of believers within Pentecostalism, standing firm in the belief that true baptism is in the name of Jesus only.

Our Mission

To Spread the good news of Jesus Christ through loving interactions, that leaves mankind physically and spiritually healed and whole.

Our Vision

We are a church of Illumination, we are a church of Manifestation, we are a church of Transformation!

Embrace Transformation!